Everyone seems to being adding hats to their wardrobe these days. While on a flight home from Phoenix last week, I saw this lovely lady wearing a beautiful wide-brim Fedora and she looked fabulous. I told her I loved her hat and that my intention was to get a hat this spring. She agreed it was a trend to acquire.
I have always loved hats. Cowboy hats were a favorite as a child because I rode horses all the time. I have always envied ladies at the Kentucky Derby and their amazing hats. I don't really have a bucket list but if I did one of the top things to do would be go to the Kentucky Derby and to wear a gorgeous hat. I am rather silly and one year not too long ago I talked my step-daughter into decorating hats for us to wear while we watched the Kentucky Derby on TV. This is the result of my efforts. Not bad huh? A Mint Julep was also enjoyed.
I still have this hat in my closet ready to wear this year!
This Spring I have been looking around for the perfect hat and finally made a decision. This Fedora seems like it will work with lots of things in my closet. I love the navy brim and since I am trying to add more navy to my wardrobe, it works. You can get this hat at Nordstrom just click here for impulse buying.
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