The Big Picture

Welcome to the new and improved Northwest Mountain Living. It is such an achievement for me to have just recently bypassed the two-year anniversary for this blog. I started out very unsure of myself but looking for a way to express my creative energy. I have never had a hobby because I was always busy with my education, raising a family and my job. Finding a hobby that I am excited about is important to my well being. Without purpose I am lost. I never expected or even intended to have anyone read this blog but for those of you that do, you need to know that you make a difference in someone’s life. Your kind response to what I share reinforces my belief that people are truly good. You are the best part of blogging and I thank you.

Now, on to the changes I have made to the blog. I looked at many blogs of all types and focused on the things that attracted me and held my attention. Many blogs are similar in design and mine was no exception and even now it has many pedestrian components. But I like the new look, it is pleasing to my eyes. I like that it isn’t too busy, distracting me from the main content.

You may have noticed that I have played around with advertising (or influencing) off and on throughout the year. I realized that I didn’t really want to spend my time trying to influence anyone to buy something. I also didn’t like how messy it made the blog look. I like everything in my life to be clean and uncluttered. This new look is the result. There may come a time when I will share something I truly love, I never say never. And I am always happy to share where I got something with anyone who asks. I may sometime soon do a survey to see what you all think about it.

Along with a new look I want to add new content. Style and fashion are easy and fun, a reflection of who I am. Sort of my book cover. Well being is something I think about almost as much, if not more than what I wear. I have always tried to live a healthy life but this year I want to go further. I am noticing that with each passing year, I grow softer and less strong even though I would say I am moderately active. Research tells me this is natural and inevitable . . .blah, blah, blah! I don't fall for it.  My goal is to increase my strength and energy this year and I want share the journey with you. Decorating projects, arranging for best functionality, cooking, wine tasting and gardening all fascinate and engage me. I love to can and preserve foods, hunt wild mushrooms and berries and the list goes on. I will be giving you more of a glance into that part of my life. Ultimately each week I want to post three times, one will be fashion/style, one will be health/well being and one will be home/garden. 

McCall and I hope to update the Doggie Blog more often. He has a lot to say about things. Being nine-years-old now he has a lot of experiences to share as well as adventures with his sister Stella.

I hope you all will hang with me throughout this year. Let me know if you have ideas for ways to make my blog more enjoyable. And check out doggie blog if you have time.

Thanks for stopping by!


I am always so excited when I get comments and very appreciative! If you ever want to know where I got anything I am wearing or showing, just let me know and I will get right back to you!


well-be·ing: the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy


Lost my mind . . .