Opps She Did It Again

I am so bad; always breaking the rules! I am wearing shorts! We had a high of 71 today and so I thought I should break out the shorts, especially when tomorrow the high is going to be 61 and Wednesday it will get up to a whopping 55. What am I wearing? A chambray shirt, geometric shorts, wedges the color called Poppy, a turquoise necklace and earrings, watch and leather bracelet. 

Sorry if I offend anyone with my legs but by golly, I run a lot and Saturday I will run a 5K. I work hard to keep my legs working and I will let the sun shine on them sometimes. Seriously though, I turn 55 next month and there was a while this year when I thought I would never wear shorts again. I wonder why I am so influenced by societal pressure? We see non-stop ads to erase our wrinkles, making us ashamed of them. I wonder though. Is it the wrinkles that offend us so  much, or is it the fear of aging? 

Link ups! Check them out and join in on the fun!

At the beginning of each month I link up with Adrienne of The Rich Life On a Budget and Jill of Everything Just So for How I Wear My

On Monday I link up with Patti of Not Dead Yet Style for Visible Monday (Every other Monday), Cherie at Style Nudge for Shoe and Tell and Bless Your Heart Blog Link Up.

Thursday I link up Alice of Happiness at Mid-Life for Throwback Thursday Fashion Link Up

And Fridays I link up with Dawn Lucy of Fashion Should Be Fun's, Fun Fashion Friday!

Thanks for stopping by!



Until we meet again. . .


New Hairdo