Musings . . .
It is only Wednesday but this week has flown by. It seems like it has been particularly beautiful for me. Nothing exciting has really happened, but my mind has snapped pictures of little bits of nature that really fill the spiritual part of life. So I carried a camera a lot to document and hopefully share the feelings.
I'll start with this gift of life. A baby deer with her nose almost pressed against our window. She was looking at the pretty flowers in the flower bed and then noticed us. She found us very fascinating. How can you not be touched by a baby and their innocent curiosity. She hangs around our home a lot and we are thankful that she decided to bring extra joy to our country lives.
She had no intention of leaving even though we told her no eating the flowers.
Half a mile from our house on my running trail I run into her again. She is very smart because she saw that I had the stop sign.
Summer in the mountains brings lots of treats to be found in the forest. I found huckleberries to pick. They are small but have an intense almost blueberry flavor. I make jams and pies with these jewels.
Do you ever wonder what to do with garden fresh zucchini? Turn it into a chocolate walnut cake. I found a nice recipe and added my own touch by topping it with chocolate chips, chopped walnuts and a sprinkle of course sea salt. The joys of taste!
Our chicks provide us with so much entertainment. They are sweet and run to us like little puppies and their shenanigans never end! Lilac has figured out how to escape the pen and Peony has her own way of letting us know. Usually when Lilac gets out of her pen she heads straight to the window to peek inside and let us know with a big peck on window! Its like a game to her. They both want to be picked up and put to bed each night. You don't really know how much animals can communicate until you spend time with them. The chicks grace us each day with two fresh eggs which I verbally tell them thank you because I believe they know what I am saying.
We planted as least a gallon of wildflower seeds last fall and I can't tell you the smiles it brings to my face as a new one shows up each day. Beauty beyond belief.
My iced coffee got in this picture. Another one of my simple pleasures.
I hate to muck up a post about simple pleasures with a selfie but last night we were having dinner and a movie on our patio and I had to take a picture of my dress and the clutch I would carry with it if I had a place to go. Where did the saying, "all dressed up with no place to go" come from? I am the poster child for that saying I swear!
Moral of this story? Enjoy the simple things in life.
Check out Throw Back Thursday on Happiness at Midlife and Fashion Fun Friday with Fashion Should Be Fun!
Thanks for stopping by!