Vacation Condo Bathroom Makeover

I showed you our vacation condo bedroom makeover here a few posts ago and warned you the bathroom makeover post was coming. Ha Ha! As I have said before this is not a fancy condo and I have been trying to re-purpose things I have or get at thrift or consignment shops as much as possible. I am always thrilled with what a little painting and trip to Ross can do with a room! I painted the room a color called Onionskin Tan. Every time my husband and I choose a paint color we pick out different colors and end up compromising on something we both agree on and this time we were very happy with the color once it was on the wall. I wanted a relaxing, vacation feel for the room so this is the result! 

This is the before. There were all kinds of scuffs from before we bought the place and it was just very blah. I still have to paint the trim, it is in pretty bad shape. A good project for anther rainy day.

Here is the after! The whole makeover took less than a day and now it seems like a happy room! 

Thanks for stopping by!


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