Green with envy

I am wearing the most amazing green top today and taking pictures outside in 37 degrees. So, as much as I love my home, I am a little green with envy for those who are enjoying warmer temperatures. I haven't seen the sun for a few days, and the pictures I take on cloudy days just don't do anything justice. Today, I woke up, it was cold out but the sun was shinning. I had a lot to do including getting my three mile run in, outdoors. I love to run outdoors more than anything lately. I run in snow, hail, wind and cold temperatures, but if the trail is passable, I am there. The sun stayed with me all day. Now, I am hurrying to get this post done because it is almost wine time. You know, priorities, ha ha. I like my wine almost as much as my run. Big smile.

This top is from Nordstrom (here), it is on sale and I love it. I have it in red and black in mediums because I like the over sized look. This one I bought in a small and I like the fit. I am not advertising for them but a lot of you are asking where I get things and this one is one to share. It is very light weight and very soft; perfect for spring. I wore it with white skinny  jeans from Marshall's but they are old enough I doubt you would find them. And these booties are old too. I thought it would be really cute to wear a contrasting colored necklace and earrings. These are from last year, Karen Scott. She has nice jewelry also sold at Nordstrom.

I am so excited because next week I am getting a major hair cut. I always want a new look in the spring and so I will get close to half of it cut off. Yeah! I can do more with it when it is shorter. Anyway, it is wine time while I cook dinner and listen to a little music. The little things make life great! 

P.S. That is my dog who thinks he is a polar bear photobombing me. 

Tonight is the last night to take my survey if you haven't already. I will share the results later this week. I hope you will take it if you have time. It is located at the top of the side bar on my blog.

Thanks for stopping by!
