Last Minute Shoot

I am really cutting it close here with this post! I haven't missed a post for nearly a year and with this move I ran out of photos in the can and haven't had time to take any. But today, my type A personality wouldn't let me just not do one so I threw on this outfit and ran outside after it quit raining. I love this outfit and couldn't believe that is worked considering the little time I used to plan it. The top and shoes are from Marshals and they are so on trend but were not the trendy price, very reasonable. The jeans also were a steal from Nordstroms. My hair goes wacko in humid weather but I am used to it and don't get to caught up about it being frizzy and cockeyed.

This week I finally went to a doctor about my running injury. After what I thought was a hamstring pull at a 5K in February wouldn't heal, I saw my doctor and she referred me to a doctor who told me I had injured deep tissue beneath my muscles. He will do a few deep tissue treatments and says I will be back to normal and that it is ok to run at about 60% in the meantime. This all made me so happy! I wish I would have went sooner.

Well we close on the house this Thursday and we are almost completely moved out and now in the cleaning phase. I am so tired and stressed and everytime I look in the mirror I see what stress can do to a person. We're on the home stretch now.

I participate in the following link ups! Hope to see you there!

This last picture is funny. It shows what taking my own pictures with a tripod and timer is really like. Lots of dropping, tripping and very bad photos!

Thanks for stopping by!



Oh What Red Can Do


Multi Cold Shoulder & Navy Scalloped Wedges