Morning Pumpkin
the scoop
I can’t believe for so long I posted a blog every single Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Now it is a struggle to get one out. It’s mostly due to my interests being more on family, health and home this summer. I have been busy setting up our house here in the city and I’m not good at taking pictures of the process so I have been trying to figure out a path back to my blog.
By golly though I think I have figured it out. I think one a week for a while will be fun. I will incorporate my fashion, decorating my home and other things new while I rediscover life in the busy city.
This post will be about my boot cut jeans style, getting my library card and what I am reading and showing you my formal living room. I will also ask your decorating advice on a huge pottery shelf area.
the room
I like to call this room my drawing room.
1. a room where visitors are received and entertained; living room; sitting room
Some would call it a formal living room and it is the room you walk into at the front door which I love. It’s a peaceful room that is always tidy so if guests drop by we have a comfortable place to visit. I sit here in the afternoons and read while I have a glass of ice tea.
The room’s decor is made up of a hodgepodge of things old and new, more expensive, less expensive, formal and casual. It has coastal elements, hints of French style, a little rustic edge and room for lots of future projects. I never tire of tweaking a room. I have few things in mind to change soon and by the time I post this I have already changed the rug at the door. I had just thrown an old one down until I found one I liked. I also added a throw pillow to the sofa in a muted yellow to bring out the yellow in the chairs.
I always like a little surprise in every room. Something unexpected tucked in a corner. That is where Mr. squirrel comes in. Isn’t this cute wood and metal guy fun?
These pictures are taken from the Juliet balcony off the master bedroom. I love this view.
just sayin’
I need coffee and my slippers are perfect for such an announcement. And every September I allow myself to indulge in the perfect dinner, fruit and veggies. Ha ha!
oh boo one more thing
This post is really getting long but I wanted to tell you a couple more things. We joined the YMCA and I will tell you more about that in a later post but I am amazed at the fabulous facility they have and all that is offered.
Also, we have a new smart TV which is so fun and I now watch You Tube all the time on the big screen. I have discovered this fabulous interior designer that I wanted to share with you. She makes me smile and gets my creative juices flowing so check her out if you like that sort of thing. Link here, you may have to cut and paste into your browser.