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The Scoop

Hey gang! Surprise! I made it to Arizona and we are settled in for a couple of months. I adore Arizona and this year the weather turned nice much earlier than I ever remember. So we have been enjoying the mid 80s for highs and next week it is supposed to drop to the mid 70s for highs. Yay! It’s just perfect.

I sort of forgot how warm it can be here and didn’t bring quite enough warm weather things but good news, the stores are full of summer items on sale.

So far we have gotten the condo just right for our stay. I’ve been to the pool and the spa and we have taken walks daily with the dogs or just in our neighborhood which has every thing a body could need. Restuarants, grocery stores, all the retails stores and even our Vet is just five minutes away.

You know I love to cook and we are still eating mostly vegetarian so I have been working on more new recipes.

I have even been venturing to the condo gym, lifting weights and riding the elliptical. Oh yes and most important of all I have been visiting with my granddaughter! My son (her dad) and her mom and I all went to the zoo and it was such a great time. She is four and a complete angel in every way. All my family says she is the spitting image of me as a child and I can see her spirit is much like mine at that age. Life is such a wonder.

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My Look

This is such a favorite look for me. I love the calm I feel when I dress in neutrals. Everything in this outfit is a neutral, even my leopard heels are considered a neutral. I feel so chic because these jeans are the latest trend in style. They have a high waist, wide legs and are cropped. I love distressing on white jeans more than any other jeans. It is that meeting of fancy and farm that tickles me so much.

My top is an over sized thermal that I knotted so it would be shorter. When I wear pants that have a baggier silhouette I need a top that balances them. By knotting the top it gives the illusion of a waist, which lets face it, is not what it used to be. Ha ha!

Oh gosh and my hair? Day four so bout ready for a good wash. But I milk out everyday that I can because it is unruly to say the least. As I always do this time of year, I am letting it grow out. I always think I want it long until I get it long then I decide I want it short. Does anyone else do that?

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Create Your Own Look

I’m wearing Levi’s distressed Wedgie jeans in white, Urban Outfitters thermal top, Nine West pumps. Wearing Brinker & Eliza The Best Is Yet To come necklace and carrying a Tory Burch Saddle Bag. Linking everything below.

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Fitness Selfie

I was feeling so good today because I worked out really hard at the gym, trying new things to see if I can trick this old body into feeling young. I took a selfie just to prove I’m still not giving up the good fight. I am on the struggle bus to lose some belly and arm fat.

I knew that after menopause your body tried to store estrogen in fat around your belly (check) but I just read that it stores it in fat in your upper arms too! Good grief, what will I learn next?

After my workout I made a smoothie for break-fast (breaking fast) of 1/2 cup of blueberries, half a banana, two cups of spinach, protein powder and some almond milk. I got one serving of fruit and two servings of veggies all in before noon! Boom!


Well I’m closing for now, I am going to go make a vegeratian apple crisp this afternoon. Sprouts has Honey Crisp apples on sale so I got enough to make a dessert. I am making up the recipe mostly as I do anymore so wish me luck!

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Thanks for stopping by!


Linking up with Elegantly Dressed and Stylish.


Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice Tee


How I'm Switching to a Vegetarian Diet