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The Scoop

A week ago on Friday I stupidly jumped off a large boulder and mildly sprained my ankle. I wasn’t able to to do cardio for a week, although I did do my daily yoga just being careful not to strain my ankle. I also got in a couple of two mile walks and was able to walk my dogs a couple of times a day. But I really missed that heartbeat elevating workout time.

I kind of got to feeling sorry for myself and was even grouchy. I realized why I am so active, being still is not my thang AT ALL. It was easy for me to to think all was lost and use the excuse to eat more than normal, eat cookies and have wine. I mean, life was so unfair to me.

But after a few days (three to be exact) of that frame of mind I remembered my mom saying often to those around her including me. “Get off the pity pot!” I felt so ashamed of myself and straightened right up. First a long slow walk, next a day of eating healthy and thirdly I spent time being grateful. And now I am back on the wagon, just like that.

Growing up riding horses and being thrown many times, I learned to get back on the horse. Face your demons right away or you may not be able to later.

I know it is human to fall down now and then but what makes life good is the ability to regroup and carry on. Resiliency is one of the traits of longevity. So if you are going to live a long time you need to enjoy as much of your time as you can.

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My Look

I’m wearing sneakers that are 11 or 12 years old. They are my favorites for hikes and runs on muddy trails. I hope they never completely fall apart. My shorts are old and my top is a year old. I got this top just for the mountains. Although our temperatures are cooler a lot of the time, the sun seems very close and hot and can burn you if you’re not careful. This top is light and breathes and also protects you from UV rays. I love the colors and the comfort and knowing I have some extra protection. I wore this the day I took my long walk after climbing off the pity pot.

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That’s The Spirit

Getting back outdoors felt so good and lifted my spirits so much. It was like a weight was lifted and I remembered all my blessings.

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The trees around us in the mountains are so big!

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When Less Is More


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