Cheryl Tucker Style

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Jacket Magic

The Scoop

I think it is fun to put on a basic outfit and then see how many ways you can change it just by switching out your jacket and accessories. That is what I did for this post.

On a side note I want to let you all know that my posts this week are a little weak. I have been so busy and maybe am losing some of my ability to do it all. Ha ha! We are going on a little vacation next week and I am wanting to get ahead enough to not miss a post because I really love this blog and you for reading. I am learning how to keep it all fun and am even doing more IG again. I figured out how to keep it fun like I have with my blog. It’s funny how we get in our heads that things have to be done in a certain way. At my stage of life it’s about “keep it simple stupid.” Life’s too short to get your knickers bunched in a knot over social expectations. Oopsy long side note!

If you have not subscribed to my newsletter I hope you will consider doing so. I only send out one email a week, each Sunday morning highlighting the week’s posts along with a letter sharing more of the personal side of life. You can sign up here!

Thanks for stopping by!
