Hello June I'm Turning 60

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The Scoop

So gang, I turn 60 years old today! Yikes! I wanted to be on a beach somewhere when I turned 60, its a big deal. My husband asked me what would be second best to being on the beach and I told him Olive Garden take out! Ha ha. So we ordered just about everything on the menu and laughed in total gratitude that we were on this earth and healthy. I’ve been so heart sick this year and the last couple of weeks were just the worst. But I just wanted to take one day and be joyful. So I did a blog post that is totally mindless. Fashion, my birthday, selling our mountain home and dogs! Ha!

We have been working like crazy getting the house ready to sell. Last Friday we had videographers and photographers at the house for eight hours. The day before a drone was brought in for aerial photos. Everything should go live in a week or so. I’ll share it all when it is ready.

This week on my walks I found morel mushrooms and my husband used them to make me the best birthday breakfast ever. And he brought it to me in bed!

You know my angel dog of 14 years passed away this spring and I grieved more than I thought I ever could. Our house just didn’t seem full and my other sweet dog (Stella) was so lonely and depressed. She just laid around and looked so sad. She is 10 and he had been a part of her life every single day. So for my birthday my husband got us a new puppy and it was so bitter sweet. He is Maltese just like the one we lost and he is full of life and is loving beyond. I will miss McCall everyday forever but little Tucker has made our home feel full again. We laugh first thing every morning, all day long and last thing before we go to sleep. It is so refreshing and a blessing.

Stella however has not taken to him at all. She has been very annoyed. He has tried so hard to get her to like him and finally today she let him lay in bed with her. She wouldn’t acknowledge he was there but she allowed it. So I think she is coming around.

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My Look

Our weather has been the pits. Almost 100 one day and then in the 50s the next. We actually woke up to a snow covered world the day before my birthday. This picture is off the upper deck on the back of our house. Luckily it melted fast but Ugh! White jeans, snappy sandals and a wrap sweater were perfect to help me think summer but feel warm enough. And wearing pearls on my 60th seemed appropriate!

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Thanks for stopping by!



Addicted To Casual


White Cardigans and Long Denim Shorts