A Balmy 30 Degrees

Mornings in the mountains. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Mornings in the mountains. By southwesterndesertliving.com

The Scoop

So my day started outside around nine in the morning at a balmy 30 degrees! ha ha! Lets say a few goose bumps are involved in this shoot! But oh how glorious! The sun was sparkling through the pines and every promise of a gorgeous day was evident.

I skipped through the trees, climbed on the rocks and basically got in cardio. Remember I use a tripod and timer so I set the camera and then run like the wind to get in position within 10 seconds. That is why you often see that silly breathless smile on my face!

About 30 degrees at 9 A.M. By southwesterndesertliving.com

About 30 degrees at 9 A.M. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Cardio workout taking pictures. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Cardio workout taking pictures. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Love the mountain life. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Love the mountain life. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Rock climbing? ha ha! By southwesterndesertliving.com

Rock climbing? ha ha! By southwesterndesertliving.com

And Then This Happened

Freezing, I ran inside whipped off my hat and vest and got a picture of this! Ha ha. My mom would have called me beeping sleuty. She always said good morning to me that way as a child. I would wake up, as my dad would say (Cheryl is even tempered, mad all the time!) and my mom would say “morning beeping sleuty!” I would grouch and grumble. It was a fun morning ritual. They started teasing me first thing. But it was totally out of love and I cherish the memories.

Hat hair. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Hat hair. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Here I manage to tame my hair a little and warm up straight away! I did my weight lifting and made a smoothie and the day was off to a great start. Next on my to do list was my hike but I was going to wait until we hit our high of 50!

Starting to warm up. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Starting to warm up. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Smoothie:: Greek yogurt, Blueberries, Almond Milk, Spinach, Protein Powder. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Smoothie:: Greek yogurt, Blueberries, Almond Milk, Spinach, Protein Powder. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Feeling fit. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Feeling fit. By southwesterndesertliving.com

My Look

I’m wearing my new shorts from Target with my 15 year old Merino wool top, old Nike’s, old puffer vest (Costco) and most recent hat from Arizona. I wear this hat all the time because the color combination makes me happy.

Working out. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Working out. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Create Your Own Look

Linking same shorts in two colors, same shoes in two colors and options for tops and hats.

Hello, World!

For the love of hats. By southwesterndesertliving.com

For the love of hats. By southwesterndesertliving.com

Thanks for stopping by!
