Retain What You Cannot Regain

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The Scoop

I’ve been asked to share more fitness posts and since doing so motivates me to focus on a healthy lifestyle I am going to try to do more of them. Hopefully one a week.

Do you ever notice that it is easier to not gain weight than it is to try to lose it? That is why I try to make fitness a top priority in life. Here’s a little of my thinking on the subject.

My Thinking On Fitness

I never decide on a fitness/diet plan that will be long term outside of that I will be active, eat as healthy as possible and get plenty of sleep. I know I would never stick to the same thing long term. Besides our bodies need change and challenge. So each week I plan my strategy and run with it. If it works and I enjoy it I might go longer but at some point I make changes.

What I Will Eat

This week I decided that instead of doing my smoothie in the morning I will have it for dinner. I feel better when I eat light late in the day and I certainly sleep better. My weight is always on point when I go with this plan too. The only change to my smoothie will be that I will add some beans to it. They are so good for me and will give me added health beneifits. The rest of the day I will eat healthy things that I love remembering proper portion control. And I will eat within an eight hour window.

Smoothie Recipe For The Week

  • Frozen Organic Blueberries 1/2 cup

  • Greek yogurt 1/3 cup

  • Organic Almond milk 1 cup

  • Fresh Spinach 2-3 cups

  • Protein powder 1/2 scoop

  • Favorite beans (probably white kidney) 1/4 cup.

How I Will Stay Active

For exercise I am going to stay with what I have been doing. A two mile walk each day and lift weights three times a week. I think this week I will add yogo back in on the alternate days of the weight lifting, so twice. You can read what I do for strength training in this post from last week.

Mental Health

I will continue to journal each morning. This is new practice for me the last couple of months. It is supposed to be helpful for mental health, a form of meditation. So far I am not seeing any change but I want to keep at it for a while to see if I notice some of the benefits it can provide.

So what’s your plan for the week? I love hearing what works for you!

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My Look

This is a typical workout look for me. I layer because our mornings seem to always be cool but once you head out you warm up.

I am wearing leggings with pockets on the sides (Amazon) , a zip up hoodie (Costco, comes in packet of two), white tee (old) and Adidas sneakers and hat (both old).

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Create Your Own Look

Linking same leggins and then options for everything else!

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Thanks for stopping by!



The Perfect Shirtdress


Summer Evening Style