Busy Day In The Mountains

Back Yard

Back Yard

The Scoop

It’s a busy time of year for us here in the mountains. Summer, that time of year when you repair and clean up from the hard winters and prepare for the next winter. But it’s not all work, there is lots of relaxing time mixed in. It really is a beautiful life.

But on this day, it was a busy day for us Tuckers here in the mountains. After waking up groggy because we had a big thunderstorm in the middle of the night that required I get up and bring deck furniture cushions in,  I realized I was a little sore from the day be fore’s, maybe overzealous exercising.

I mixed trail running in with my normal hike and added more sets and reps to my weight lifting routine. So thinking I would skip formal exercising for the day I planned fun things to do.

Top level staff

Top level staff

Our day started with a staff meeting. Of course my top level team members paid close attention to our planning, since it would directly affect them.

We decided we would pick some of our Rhubarb and make a strawberry rhubarb crisp. About that . . . something I notice as I get older is that you think you don’t need recipes and really you probably don’t most of the time. Also, you put coconut on/in everything. Right? Oh and jam. Yes jam is good on everything.

No recipe but turned out soooo good!

No recipe but turned out soooo good!

We also unanimously thought making egg salad would be so yummy to make for lunch. A team leader (me) had read that Dolly Parton loved egg salad and attributed it to how she stayed fit and that was a good enough excuse for the team (again, mostly me).

For easy peeling, add eggs to boiling water not cold water.

For easy peeling, add eggs to boiling water not cold water.

At this point the painters called and said they could fit us in to paint our decks that day so we had to run out and clear all the furniture and flowers off the decks.

These guys are the best!

These guys are the best!

As the painter’s power washed the deck, Stella (Yorkie representation on the team) and I went for a walk. Then we stopped by the Lilac and Peony bushes to assess how much longer until we would see blooms. We concluded another week to week and a half.

My two favorite flowers, Lilacs and Peonies.

My two favorite flowers, Lilacs and Peonies.

A trip to the post office was necessary to pick up an order that had arrived. Something in the fashion realm we were sure.

The rest of day moved along smoothly and at the end we were all tired but satisfied with a day well done.

Home Sweeet Home

Home Sweeet Home

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MIOLI Monday June 28


Green and Navy Jungle Top