Go With It
The Scoop
When things really aren’t going the way, we would like maybe we should just go with it. On this day I was just feeling old. This past year I have seen myself looking older. And although I have been aging normally like most people it has felt more significant. But when I analyze it, I realize I am getting older so I am going to continue to look older so I might has well put a smile on my face and move along.
I think our social media world makes it harder for some of us to age gracefully. When you see women my age and even older without a line on their faces then you feel like you did something wrong. Anyway, I do. I expect myself to be more like them but then I realize that they have had all sorts of interventions along the way. Botox or similar, Retin A or similar, fillers, lifts, polishing procedures, heck I don’t know most of what they can do these days but you see it online and in the entertainment world and even next door. And they often don’t tell you, oh by the way I do this, this and this to look so much younger than I am.
I tell myself I cannot compare myself with these women. I am going down a more natural path right now. I won’t say I will never do any of these things but I think I have kind of gone past the point of no return. So well, I am just going to go with it.
My Look
I do have control over how I dress and it is way fun! My main hurdle is staying at a weight where I can continue to wear the clothes I love. So that means reining myself in when I get to enjoying my food too much. Ha-ha. Way easier said than done.
In this look I am wearing some very old boot cut jeans. I have worn them so many times on blog posts. My top is from last winter and I love the light weight floral fabric in such a pretty blue. My shoes are several years old and very high heeled. I can still rock the heels. The sweater is a couple of years old too. It cozied up this whole look. My bag is a Rebecca Minkoff find I told you about in my last post.
I searched and I found I was wearing these jeans first it appears in September of 2016 (see here). At that point I was calling them flares but they are clearly boot cut.
Create Your Own Look
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How do you feel about aging?
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