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Favorite Healthy Pumpkin Smootie for Fall 2022


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The Scoop

This is my newest discovery for a healthy smoothie. I have shared many times the smoothie I have for breakfast 75 percent of the time. As with many things I still love it but wanted something new and fitting of the season! This is so easy to make and is a treat fit for dessert! And it is under 250 calories!


1 frozen banana (about 100 cals depending on size)

1/2 cup pumpkin puree (make sure it is just puree) (45 cals)

1 cup almond milk (I use unsweetened - 40 cals)

Your choice of protein powder (I use 1/2 scoop for 60 cals)

1/4 tsp cinnamon (or to taste)

1/4 Turmeric (or to taste)

Put all in the blender and puree. It fills a pint sized jar to the rim!

A few tips:

  1. You don’t need an expensive blender. I know it is trendy to buy those that are expensive but if you don’t have one and want to make smoothies the inexpensive ones have always worked for me. I keep them under the counter most the time so I don’t care what they look like and I kind like it that I didn’t pay that much for it. Maybe that’s a getting older thing. ha ha!

  2. Make sure you get real pumpkin puree, not pumpkin pie mix. They come in similar cans and can fool you.

  3. I try to get organic everything.

  4. Whenever we have bananas that are starting to get over ripe, I peel them and throw them in a baggy and into the freezer so I have frozen bananas all the time.

  5. You can add any spices you like. I chose these because of the healthful properties they contain. Cinnamon regulates blood sugar and turmeric is a great anti-inflammatory among other things.

  6. I buy a case of one-pint (16 oz) jars and use them for everything. I put left overs in them, use them in the pantry and even take my smoothies on the road by popping on the lid!

  7. I have reusable straws everywhere. They are fun and good for the planet!

Linking my blender and options and the same protein powder we have used for years. I get almost everything at Costco including my cinnamon and turmeric because we use so much.

See this content in the original post

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