Thanksgiving Tree 2022

The Scoop

Most years I put my Christmas tree up very early. Often, we would have a decorated tree at Thanksgiving dinner. Last year we had lots of our kids and grandkids coming for Thanksgiving dinner so as part of the decorating I did a Thanksgiving tree. It was so fun and pretty and everyone loved it, so now it is a new tradition for us.

How I Decorate My Tree

I use my very old Christmas tree. It is about 15 years old now. It is pre-lit so no lights to mess with. I

n the pictures below you will see things I use. All of it is stuff I already had around the house for fall decorating. I use lots of signs of different sizes, picks and stems fill in bare spots and then little fabric pumpkins and ribbon finish it off. I also added some raffia this year.

1.    I put the larger things on first, such as the signs.

2.    Then I add the picks and stems.

3.    Last, I add the pumpkins, ribbons and raffia.

4.    I cut wired ribbon around 12 to 18 inches long and curl it a little before I tuck it in randomly.

5.    I used a couple of stems at the very top to complete the tree.

Below are a few close-up shots of the completed tree. We really enjoy this tree. Even my husband says often how much he likes it.

Below is how the tree looked once completed! Now it is time to start planning the menu.

Let me know if you do a Thanksgiving Tree!

Thanks for stopping by!



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