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Move It Or Lose It February 2022

Running, It makes me high!

The Scoop

Taking pictures of outfits was not in the cards for me this past week. All I wanted to do was eat and sleep and hope Putin would turn his military around. I shed a tear each day and said a prayer and sort of shut down. And you could say that is how the month of February went for me regarding health and fitness.

Except for . . .

I knew that kind of inaction wouldn’t help anyone so I picked one thing that I thought I could accomplish and put my energy into it. I ran. And I ran. And then I ran.

I completed week five of my 5K training. And it helped. For a while I felt relief as I breezed by the desert landscape, smelled the warm Arizona air and forgot for a moment about the rest of the world.  I put on my headphones and played happy music and I sang along.

I felt good because even though I didn’t do as good in meeting other goals for the month, I did meet my goal for running. It was amazing to think that at my age I can still run, skip, lunge and breath freely. I am blessed and grateful.

Next week is week six of eight weeks in this 5K training app. By the end of March, I will be running a full 3.1 miles and be working on speed. I can hardly wait. But I know that my rest days are essential to allow me to continue forward. It’s not like when I was younger and I could push hard and feel fine. I must rest, stretch and yes sometimes take an ibuprofen to not do damage that cannot be undone.

I know for sure that running is as good for my mental health and it is for my heart and soul. I also know that the conflict in the world is not going away anytime soon. I will continue to pray and help in any way possible but I will also run.

Last Summer In The Mountains

Thanks for stopping by!
