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Move It Or Lose It April 2022

The Scoop

I’m throwing in my monthly fitness post today. It’s a little early but I wanted to stay on track with sharing how I try to stay on track with my wellbeing.

Check Ups

April was full of annual preventative care checkups. I had kind gotten behind with the pandemic. I feel much better when I take care of myself and annual checkups have always been important to me.

I got my eyes checked and now I can see better. My well woman exams including a mammogram are complete and now I just need to run to my dentist for a cleaning. This car is ready to race!


This month I relaxed a little with the runs. After running consistently for eight weeks I decided to take more walks and focus on adding in yoga and strength training.

I am just past the point of being sore from adding in activities that I wasn’t used to. I do about 30 minutes of yoga three times a week in the mornings and then strength train on those same days in the afternoon.

I take walks every day with my dogs. It is really warming up here so I am getting out earlier every day to miss the UV rays and heat of the sun.


I didn’t do so well with diet this month. I seem to want comfort foods often and told myself since I was working out, I could relax a little on what I ate. I found a lot of things I think I like really don’t set well with me and are not as good as I remember. Pasta sounds so good but when I eat it, I feel like a lead weight.

Even though I didn’t count calories consistently I still ate good things daily. All organic foods, nuts, berries, spinach, yogurt. etc. I had a big Easter dinner but sent almost all the left overs home with the kids, so one piece of cake. But here and there I ate things that I wouldn’t consider part of my preferred diet.

What’s Up For May?

I want to add short runs back in on alternate days and continue my yoga and strength training. I really want to pick up momentum with building muscle.

I also want to get back to eating to feel good. Not emotionally but physically. Eating for my emotions always makes me feel worse in all areas so I need to work on that.

Thanks for stopping by!
