Leather Pants Fall Fashion 2022

The Scoop

By now you probably see a fashion trend that stands out this fall season. I know that I can’t go anywhere IRL or Online that I don’t see leather, faux leather or pleather clothing.

I have noticed this trend slowing seeping into the fashion scene for the last few years and wasn’t that much of fan. But this year that changed because of the actual feel or touch of the fabric. It is not how I remember it being, stiff and tight and sort of Closter phobic. It is very soft, flexible and hangs so nice you just must love it.

I love the artistic element this fabric it brings to a look. The texture and the different sheens make it a fabulous vibe to add to any look.

My Look

I’lm wearing two different looks in this post but both show the same pants (Gap). In both looks I am wearing older sweaters and older shoes and bags but they make completely different looks just by changing those things.

Create Your Own Look

I’m linking same pants and options for your look! I have ordered the turtle necks (love the puffed shoulders) linked and have the cardigan (haven’t had time to style it yet). I wear my leopard pumps year after year.

Thanks for stopping by!



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