My Post Menopause Fitness Journey
Remember these?
I used to wear track pants all the time.
The Scoop
I have been on a health kick. I know those of you who read my blog say, “when are you not on a health kick?” Ha ha! But really, things are turned up a notch right now. I am battling all sorts of post menopause thangs!
It’s true what I have read, in your early 60s your body almost seems foreign really fast! Your shape changes, your joints and body aches, your ears ring and itch, you develope carpel tunnel in your wrists and ARGH so much more!
I have just been taking things as they come and creating battle plans to feel as good as possible if not completely change things to the way they used to be. I am learning through so much research that not everything has to be the way it seems. You can feel better and you can even reverse some of the symptoms. But it takes a lot of effort. It takes a lot of research and it takes a lot of trial and error because we are all very different. Different in how our body handles menopause and different in how much we can improve our symptoms. And sadly most doctors have no clue of how to help. And they make things worse by not admitiing they don’t know how to help and give out completely wrong information.
Here is one of the most important books you may ever read as a woman. Especially if you are just entering perimenopause or early menopause. It will probably make you a little angry too.
Wear them dressed up.
Nice shoes and a bag and boom!
My Plan
I am finding some relief. HRT is helping with a lot but I have also changed my diet and some of how I exercise. One thing I know for sure from trial and error is that I cannot just rest and wait for it to all go away. I tried.
So I am doing the opposite. I move and I move a lot. I make sure to get 10,000 steps a day at a minimum. Some days at the end of the day I will be walking back and forth through the house. My husband asked me if I was looking for something. I said nope I am getting my last few hundred steps in. Now he is used to it and the dogs just walk with me. Ha ha!
I never eat sugar. That is where I can see the biggest difference. Sugar almost instantly causes inflamation in my body which means pain. I don’t drink alchohol which just turns to sugar. I eat higher amounts protien and only healthy carbs and lots of fiber through fruits and vegetables. For fruit I prefer berries and oranges and apples the most. I eat oatmeal almost every single day. Here is a rundown of a typical day for me.
Smoothie made of frozen blueberries, nonfat greek yogurt, fresh ginger, almond milk, protien powder, matcha powder and fresh spinach.
Whole grain bread with a good olive oil, fresh avacado, an egg, and sliced tomato. Or tuna salad on sliced apples.
Oatmeal with raisins and almond milk. Or grilled fish or chicken with salad or vegetables and a roasted potato.
I rarely divieate but maybe a couple of times a week I will have a small hamburger or home made pizza.
Nuts, seeds, peanut butter, fruit, cheese or a hard boiled egg or a cup of skim milk or cottage cheese.
Guilty Pleasure:
A diet coke but it is rare.
How I Move
Minimum of 10,000 steps a day.
Walk outside (one to three miles)
Three times a week each:
Yoga (alternate days)
Strength Training (alternate days) I love this YouTube channel the most (HasFit). I’m working hard to lift heavy. We are thinking of adding Rebounding to our gym too.
Add color for fun!
I have similar styles in pink, black and green!
Button downs or tees
Anything goes . . . make it you!
My Outfit
Linking same pants and they come in so many fun colors. My top is Gap and my sneakers are Adidas.
Thanks for stopping by!