Spring Update - Where Am I?
Happy May! Time to get back to the blog.
The Scoop
By the time this post goes live, I will be back at our summer place. I took a month off to move and take a break from the blog. I thought I would rest my creative side and put effort into physical work. Getting our winter house ready for summer takes some effort since we must be prepared for anything while we are away. It gets hot in Arizona and things can literally melt!
I should be back on track with the blog now. I will post my regular two to three times a week. I hope your summer is starting off fabulous and I hope you keep me posted on all you’re doing!
April Move It or Lose It
April was a fabulous month for me regarding my fitness journey! Even though I haven’t been blogging, I have been working out regularly. I continue to read and try to learn how to take care of myself at this stage of life. For me, estrogen deprivation has changed things a lot. At first it was scary but now I look at it as another life challenge. A chance to learn and grow. Although, there are days when I feel discouraged.
My main fitness focus has been to lift weights, continually increasing the weight to build muscle and strengthen my bones. I have gotten strong fast! I have noticed way less stiffness and pain when I work out harder. I do yoga several times a week to stay flexible and to maintain good balance. And I walk with a little jogging several times a week. If I balance these activities and stay dedicated, I see big improvements to all my health metrics. For the month of April (except for travel days) I closed all the fitness rings on my watch. I went above and beyond on all my goals (movement, exercise, stand) and I got in a minimum of 10,000 steps every day!
As far as nourishing my body my focus has been to add more healthy protein each day. I have found that to avoid inflammation I need to stay away from sugar, processed foods, and alcohol. I have had to stop thinking of eating as entertainment and more as nourishment for sustaining my level of preferred activity. I do have moments where all that goes to hell in a handbasket! Ha ha. But I quickly put it behind me and get back on course. When I stick to these goals, I feel good.
Thanks for stopping by!