things in my fitness toolkit …

Sking care for my legs. I alternate the lotions, one each night. I use the tanner a couple of times a week.


Ready for my run.

The Scoop

Here I am at almost 65 and I still want things. I want things that are harder to get too. Like being fit and feeling healthy.

As I was running this morning, I was thinking about how easy it used to be to just head out the door and run a few miles. Even when I was in the mountains running on a trail it was second nature to be moving faster than slower.

Now as I run, I am having to work for it. I can understand more why people don’t want to or can’t exercise. At this point in my life, it is not easy.

But I want it. That is my why. What is your why? Why do you do what you do? I am curious.

Using a running podcast to train my way back.

These pictures will be added to my archive of fitness evolution. I look at older pictures and even more recent pictures and I see that doing the work is good. It may not always feel good but most of the time I am much happier trying than not. If one thing doesn’t work, I get to try something else.

We were made to move.

Tomorrow is yoga and weight lifting day. And I am already excited for it. I have been consistently doing weight lifting and I am feeling the difference. Physically I feel stronger and even psychologically I see myself as much stronger.

Yoga is something I have done for years and it has made a difference in my balance and flexibility. I would be afraid to stop now for fear of how much I could lose. Because my foe now is time. I can’t take anything for granted and even then, we don’t know what is just around the corner. I want to be ready both physically and mentally.

Each day is a do over.

Goals for this week?

  • Run three times Using this podcast. It is the one I used when I first started running a age 47. It works for me and is free. I am doing each week twice before moving to the next week.

  • Do yoga three times

  • Lift three times and increase weight I am lifting by 2-5 lbs

  • Eat more protien

  • Eat fewer simple carbs

  • Have fun.

  • Laugh last thing before I go to sleep and first thing when I wake up.

Just do it.

Exercising as I get older is eye opening. I have trouble with my bladder. It’s called stress incontinence. Ugh. Why? Ha ha! My joints sometimes ache at night. Ugh.

Why? I will go to my grave saying why? I closed all my rings almost every day! (If you are an iPhone fitness tracker, you know what that means). wink

Let’s show them what we got!

Thanks for stopping by!



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