things in my fitness toolkit …

Sking care for my legs. I alternate the lotions, one each night. I use the tanner a couple of times a week.


Ready for my run.

The Scoop

Here I am at almost 65 and I still want things. I want things that are harder to get too. Like being fit and feeling healthy.

As I was running this morning, I was thinking about how easy it used to be to just head out the door and run a few miles. Even when I was in the mountains running on a trail it was second nature to be moving faster than slower.

Now as I run, I am having to work for it. I can understand more why people don’t want to or can’t exercise. At this point in my life, it is not easy.

But I want it. That is my why. What is your why? Why do you do what you do? I am curious.

Using a running podcast to train my way back.

These pictures will be added to my archive of fitness evolution. I look at older pictures and even more recent pictures and I see that doing the work is good. It may not always feel good but most of the time I am much happier trying than not. If one thing doesn’t work, I get to try something else.

We were made to move.

Tomorrow is yoga and weight lifting day. And I am already excited for it. I have been consistently doing weight lifting and I am feeling the difference. Physically I feel stronger and even psychologically I see myself as much stronger.

Yoga is something I have done for years and it has made a difference in my balance and flexibility. I would be afraid to stop now for fear of how much I could lose. Because my foe now is time. I can’t take anything for granted and even then, we don’t know what is just around the corner. I want to be ready both physically and mentally.

Each day is a do over.

Goals for this week?

  • Run three times Using this podcast. It is the one I used when I first started running a age 47. It works for me and is free. I am doing each week twice before moving to the next week.

  • Do yoga three times

  • Lift three times and increase weight I am lifting by 2-5 lbs

  • Eat more protien

  • Eat fewer simple carbs

  • Have fun.

  • Laugh last thing before I go to sleep and first thing when I wake up.

Just do it.

Exercising as I get older is eye opening. I have trouble with my bladder. It’s called stress incontinence. Ugh. Why? Ha ha! My joints sometimes ache at night. Ugh.

Why? I will go to my grave saying why? I closed all my rings almost every day! (If you are an iPhone fitness tracker, you know what that means). wink

Let’s show them what we got!

Thanks for stopping by!



Dressy Casual