Ringing in the New Year

This year I decided to not repeat the same old new year's resolutions. Losing five pounds, eating right, spending less are boring resolutions which are just part of my everyday life already. My new years resolutions will include.

Develop my blog. I think blogging will be very therapeutic for me. Like most people I have issues that cause me stress. Blogging gives me a format to work through things without complaining. I see bloggers working through life events all the time in a positive manner and it is inspiring.

I love to cook and want to spend more time cooking and experimenting with food. I love to feed others!

I love to write my mom old fashioned letters and I plan to do so each day. She lives very far away and I feel more connected when I hand write her about my day on pretty stationary. 

Surround myself with positive people. If you are a Vampire in my life now, you won't be in the coming year. I have no blood left to give (I say this in a positive manner).

I will take more photographs. I love art and to me every thing around me is art in some form.

I will be me and not who I think others want me to be. I am not so bad and I need to quit worrying so much about making others happy.

I will let others know when they touch me in a positive way. Making more out of the good in people and life is my focus for the new year.

Hope everyone has a Happy New Year! I'll be sitting beside this fire with an Irish Coffee as the New Year arrives.

Thanks for stopping by!



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