I am a Yoger?

The beginning of the year is always exciting for me. I love change and the possibilities connected with new starts. This New Year brought me a chest cold. Blah. But I am pushing through. I have taken care of business, done the household chores and am now thinking about doing some yoga to relax my body.

I am not a yoga expert. I am really someone who does yoga occasionally. I love it, and why I don’t do it more, I can’t say. A few years ago, I followed a yoga show on Fit TV that was perfect for someone like me. (A wanna be Yoger. Is that a word?). It is called Namasta Yoga. The website here. I downloaded the episodes to iTunes so I have it with me all the time. Each session is about 20 minutes long and I promise you, you will feel relaxed and quite proud of yourself when done. That is, if you can get off the mat from your extremely relaxed position. I like being able to practice yoga in the privacy of my home. I look terribly silly most of the time.

This year I plan to add these yoga sessions into my fitness routine. I walk, run, hike and now Yoger for my health. Having a variety of workouts is fun. It is also fun to put together outfits for these events. As soon as I am better I will show you what I wear when I exercise. Let’s just say I am casual! I am not advertising anything I just like to share good things.

Thanks for stopping by!



Three-Mile Hike


Ringing in the New Year