Chicken Day

At last, the day I have been waiting for, for weeks! It's the day my chickens arrive! I have wanted chickens for several years but we have such harsh winters we were not sure it would be wise to try to keep chickens. We also have a lot of chicken predators. But this spring I learned of a place that rents out chickens, coup and supplies for 6 months and at the end of the time you can adopt the chickens and they will take them back and care for them over the winter. Perfect solution! They will arrive later today and I have already named them, Peony and Lilac after my two favorite flowers. The coup is completely predator proof and mobile so you can move it around your yard and keep everything really clean. See the set up here. I am excited and dressed for the chicken arrival occasion.

One more thing I am so excited about. I have two gooseberry bushes which we planted last year. Yesterday we bought blueberry, raspberry and blackberry bushes to add to my berry garden! We are going to have to really to watch for the bears. We have lights that flash on with any movement and that seems to work to keep them away, so we shall see. 

This week I will be linking up with Adrienne of The Rich Life On A Budget and Jill of Everything Just So for How I Wear My... This month it is about layering. You gotta check it out, it is so fun! I will also be linking up with Style Nudge's Shoe and Tell, another fabulous link up! Hope to see you there!

Thanks for stopping by!


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She's Got Legs!

