Just Put Something On

Do you ever wake up and just put something on without much thought? You pick out one thing that suits your mood and then look around and add on until you feel enough is enough. That is what I did today. It feels good to not have to think much about it but end up comfortable and presentable. I'm wearing rust pants, denim shirt, leopard cardi, color blocked flats, and tassel necklace with matching earrings. Ta Da!

Don't forget to check Doggie Blog to see what's been happening in the life of McCall. He has new chicken sisters!

Link ups! Check them out and join in on the fun!

At the beginning of each month I link up with Adrienne of The Rich Life On a Budget and Jill of Everything Just So for How I Wear My

On Monday I link up with Patti of Not Dead Yet Style for Visible Monday (Every other Monday), and Cherie at Style Nudge for Shoe and Tell.

Thursday I link up Alice of Happiness at Mid-Life for Throwback Thursday Fashion Link Up

And Fridays I link up with Dawn Lucy of Fashion Should Be Fun's, Fun Fashion Friday!

Thanks for stopping by!



Painted Shoes


She's Got Legs!