A Tree, A Sweater & A Messy Bun


Hey gang! Here I am still in Arizona and too busy to go outside to take pictures! I'll work on doing better. But one excuse I have is I wanted a couple of pictures by my Condo Christmas Tree. I wasn't going to decorate here because we will be back in the mountains for Christmas but I caved. I picked up this really nice tree at a thrift shop because I think it is important to use and reuse when I can. My decorations came from sales and coupons at Target and boom I have an under $50 decorated Christmas tree! Trees are my favorite part of the holidays.

I have been trying out wearing my hair up and kind of like it but can't go too long because it gives me a headache. I like doing a messy bun for hanging around the house though. I spray in volumizer, tease the roots some and up in a tie it goes. For these pictures I added one of those fake hair scrunchies to give me more fullness.  A couple of bobby pins and I'm done. 


For my outfit I am wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, black suede pumps with the cutest bow, a camisole and a cardigan.  I wore a tan belt and put on my bar necklace that has my grandma name (Coco) on it and big hoop earrings. In a couple of the pictures I was in my Ugg slippers. The sweater is so cute and major soft! I got it at target and love the quality and  colors.  Links to exact sweater, cami, jeans and slippers on my Boutique page here

Thanks for stopping by!


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