Burgundy Thigh Highs

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So I'm not gonna lie gang, I was so sick today. I didn't have pictures for this post so I pulled myself together and got her done! First, let me tell you that yesterday when I was feeling low probably because I was getting sick I decided I wasn't happy with my hair color. I have been trying to let my gray blend in and you know, I'm just not feeling gray yet. So I went back to my old color and am much happier. I have been using this same color since I was 21. So in these pictures I had just washed and air dried my hair not feeling well enough to do more. 


A couple of days ago I ran into Target to get some hair products and stopped by the shoe section and saw these cute thigh high boots.  They are called burgundy but they have almost a plum hint to them that I adore! I immediately fell in love with them. I wore them with a fun colorful top, and skinny jeans. I carried a dark green bag and that was that. Easy and relaxed. I decided this would be a perfect holiday outfit this year. 

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Thanks for stopping by!



How I Wear Hair Accessories


A Tree, A Sweater & A Messy Bun