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The Scoop

So this week I realized that I am not a routine sort of person. You would think by my age I would have already figured that out. But I realized that life is about the journey for me and I am never done. I never think I can stop now this is good enough. I always wake up every day with some hair brained idea and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

I am routine in that I am always thinking big picture. I am always thinking about how I can feel good health wise. I am always looking for ways to enjoy activity, ways to eat good food that is good for me and always thinking “am I fully baked?”

I look in the mirror and I see a 59-year old woman. Can I make her better? Do I need to? Do I want to?

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My Week In Exercise

My week is typical or not so typical for me. I don’t do the same thing every day much less every week.

Monday: 30 minutes of yoga followed by upper body strength training.

Up side, it felt so good to stretch. Down side, I find lifting weights boring.

Tuesday: 30 minutes of yoga, followed by lower body weights

Wednesday: 30 minute walk, 30 minutes of yoga and upper body strength training

Up side, I adore being outside and I have the most beautiful trails to walk and run on. It brings joy to my heart.

Thursday: I was sore and tired so I just worked in the yard a little. Plus I always get mild hemorrhoids when I do a new weight lifting routine. Not my best day! Ugh!

Friday: 30 minute HIIT run, 30 minutes of yoga and lower body strength training.

Up side, I love the cardio zen I feel when I get to run. Down side, I have cut back on running so I can do more strength training.

Saturday: Will be travel day and next week I will be in the mountains with a new routine.

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My Week In Food

We have been transitioning to a mostly vegetarian diet. We eat fish still but cut out beef, chicken, pork, etc. We also have cut out sugar. So I am learning how to cook a new way. In some ways it is easier but in some ways it is more difficult. It’s nice not to have to thaw and cook meat every evening but it is hard to put together flavorful dishes. But I have made some fabulous dishes that gives me hope.

I also gave up wine completely. Wow, I never thought I would do that. But the research shows it’s just not that good for me. So I am drinking a lot of iced green tea with lemon. We have given ourselves one night a week to go out to eat anything we want and drink a glass of wine. I like this because it makes going out much more fun and special.

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My Week In Beauty

You know I don’t wear a ton of make up but in these pictures I have no make up on. And I have been going a few days a week, makeup free. It is an adjustment to see myself. I am blond so my eyelashes and eyebrows are blond so its a change to see them natural. I know I sound like I’ve went off the deep end but I have not been painting my nails either. I am trying to let them grow out and strengthen product free. It’s kind of nice not to need to constantly do my nails.

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My Look

I took these pictures before my HIIT run on Friday. Everything is old and it is a really cute outfit but when I was running the leggings kept sliding off! So every time I slowed down I had to pull them up. So good on the cute factor but not so good on the function! Ha ha.

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Wearing A Cardigan As A Top


The Purple Top