These Are The Good Old Days


The Scoop

I have a dish towel that says, “There are the good old days.” That quote is one I often think about, especially when times are difficult. Do you ever think about times past that at the time you thought were difficult or you took for granted and now miss? I often do and it reminds me to be in the moment and make sweet memories. Even in the darkest days there is often something that you will think of in the future and miss.

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My Look

This is what I wore to go to pick up groceries at Walmart and go drop of mail at the drop off box. I knew I wasn’t going to be doing anything dressing up worthy but this casual look was fun. It’s all old, light weight joggers, a Free People tee and black sneakers.

I love the YETI mugs so much I have them in white, navy and red. I waste less coffee because they keep it hot for hours.

My Hair

A week ago, I was so sick of my hair. I thought I looked like an old witch. But this week, I did a fresh color (I’ve always done my own color) and tried a new style and wow, I am liking it.

I have to hold out a few more weeks before I can get a cut. My husband is high risk and until I am sure I won’t get the Corona virus and expose him, I will not take even the slightest risk. He means more to me than anything especially a hair cut. To be quite honest I wouldn’t take risks even if it were strangers I might expose. I wear my mask and social distance because I care about my family, friends, neighbors and human beings.

I’ve worried about my stylist not being able to work during this time and have paid her for every haircut I missed over the last few months. She does such a fabulous job and she deserves it. I also make sure to buy my hair products from her.

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Love To Cook

I love to cook and have been trying some of my old recipes that I forgot about. This Orzo salad is so healthy and light. Plus it is quick and easy to make. I make fabulous croutons that add a wonderful crunch to the dish.

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I love to bake more than I love to cook. For months I have been craving cinnamon rolls but the store bought ones just don’t taste like mom used to make. Plus I am avoiding the unhealthy calories. But last week I decided to make my own. I made sweet roll dough in my bread maker and then since it was slightly sweet I added just a touch of brown sugar, small amount of butter and lots of cinnamon and rolled it up to bake. My topping was an orange glaze with fresh orange zest and orange juice and powdered sugar. These babies tasted like the real deal but less than half the sugar and butter of a normal recipe.

I wrapped them individually and froze them so on the morning I feel like a want to start my day with a treat I pull one out and pop it in the microwave for a couple of minutes on 50% power and they are just like right out of the oven.

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Sweet Bread Recipe

This sweet roll recipe was given to me by a dear friend and she said it was a “Secret” family recipe. I have used it for years and it is the best I’ve ever made. I usually make dinner rolls for holidays with this recipe. I still have the original recipe she wrote out for me. It means a lot to me and reminds me of our friendship. She told me to just use my bread maker for the mixing and rising and then take it out to form the rolls and that is what I have always done.

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Regrowing Green Onions

I saw this on TV and it works. Just cut the green tops off your green onions that you bought from the store or grew yourself and then put the white bulb parts in a little water and place them in the window sill. Within a few days they will grow back. You can to this three or four times. This my second time with this batch. It is an amazing return on investment with green onions! ha ha.

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Bubble Bath In The Mountains

This is one of my favorite places to be in our mountain home. I have big windows around my soaking tub and the only view is the beautiful forest. I find nothing more relaxing.

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My Peonies

My peonies at our house in the valley are blooming and they are beautiful. I have them at the mountain house too but they won’t be blooming for another month. This is one of my very favorite flowers.

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Our Front Stoop

Our house in the valley has more of stoop than porch and I love to sit on the steps on sunny days and watch the world go by. I have paint ready to go to paint my front door a beautiful blue but haven’t had the right weather to take down the door for a day to do it. Soon though!

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