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The Scoop

I often ask myself, how’s that working for you, and I often think, not well. So why am I doing it? This week I thought about my constant battle with my weight this past year and where am I going wrong. I decided to look back at some of my old blog posts to remind me what was working and see if that would help me.

Right away I saw that when I was at my most fit, I was eating three times a day, I was starting with a healthy breakfast and then light lunch and dinners but meals that I enjoyed making and eating. Meals that made me feel good about my choices. For some time I have been fasting until mid day and by then I am so hungry I don’t have self control and I start over eating and it just runs throughout the day. It’s a cycle that is not working for me.

Next I came to the conclusion that joyfulness has so much to do with weight control. Sure ice cream might make me feel good while I’m eating it but then I feel guilty about abusing my body and ungrateful for my good health and all the feel good slips away.

This week I have been eating a healthy breakfast that brings me comfort and satisfies me until lunch when I again eat something I enjoy and then the same at dinner. I can already feel the constant stress of eating in certain windows and forcing strict rules on myself slipping away.

Lesson learned here? Do what works for you and don’t change it just because you read or are told something else is better. What works for one person may not work for another.

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My Look

Here I am wearing comfy active wear that helps me hide extra weight. Everything is old. I’m wearing Lulumon leggings, black tee, black jacket and black vest along with black sneakers. Yes all black! It is a good trick to my eye. Ha ha. I got the leggings last year and I have to say that they are so comfy. They are thin but still don’t show bulges or lines. The light weight fabric makes them work year around. These are the color Camo Deep Coal Multi. I think I might have to get another pair of their leggings I love them that much. They run tts.

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What Else?

Now that we are in the mountains for the summer I have been back to my hiking. I love these hikes so much. The forest is so beautiful this time of year and I can look for wild flowers and mushrooms and I see wildlife. Its the season of lots of babies in the forest. We also have big critters too so I try to stay out of their way. We had a very large red fox in our yard the other day.


I have also been doing some yoga, foam rolling and stretches. I got new bands to use but haven’t tried them yet. I am sure I can find YouTube video workouts for them.

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Thanks for stopping by!



These Are The Good Old Days


Sometimes It's The View