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The Scoop

When you’re younger you wake up everyday feeling like a spring chicken. But by the time you reach 60 it can be hit or miss. Especially when you have a new puppy who wants to get up and play at 3:30 in the morning and you know life is short and he’s a baby and your heart smiles while he is jumping and biting your nose. It seems the world is asleep and you are full of joy snuggling a wiggly puppy. These things may never come again.

One thing that I can count on is the high I get on the mornings I do a good workout first thing, especially if it really gets my heart rate up. I always love running because I truly get the runner’s high but I have found that other forms of cardio make me feel amazing too.

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Working Out

If you read my blog much you know I am always changing my fitness routines. Almost every week I try new things. I started this week out by doing an Interval HIIT workout on my stair stepper followed by an upper body and arms workout on YouTube. I have a ton of workouts that I love to follow along with on YouTube. I just set my iPad in front of me and away we go! I cooled down with some yoga stretches. I got a really good sweat going and almost didn’t want to stop but I know I can over do it and regret it. I made myself a protein drink and boom workout done for the day and starting the day on a feel good note.

I will do this every other day for the week and on the alternate days I will do an interval run and more yoga or stretching. I’m still trying to lose a few more pounds and cardio works best for me for losing weight. Although I know strength training is key so I make sure to always be lifting, pushing, holding, anything that pushes my muscles and bends my bones. However, I actually noticed that when I stopped running is when I starting gaining weight I like to blame my age for the extra weight but the truth is, I love food! ha ha.

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Some Things About 60

I have noticed the last few years the thing that is aging the most is my skin. The skin on my arms and legs is thinner, softer and lose. It was kind of frightening at first but then I realized it goes with the territory. It’s ok for things to happen, it’s part of the life cycle and we can’t let them bring us down.

I have always taken a lot of supplements but they mostly are for long term health, not immediate results. Things that keep my heart healthy, supplements that support my brain, bones, joints, etc. But lately I have been wondering if supplementing for immediate issues might be helpful.

Just this week I decided to see if I could improve my skin and had my research scientist (my husband is a research scientist) see if collagen would help. He did the research and found a couple of brands that have been scientifically found safe (not all brands are safe) bought me a pill form and a powder form. The pills just came in and I started them but I think I will like the powder form better so I’m looking forward to them arriving. I’ll keep you posted on how I do. We use Consumer Labs for part of our research on things. It is a paid subscription but very much worth it. Examine is another place you can review research and it is free. So if you are interested these are great websites to check out.

I also have concerns about my hair. So far I haven’t lost hair abnormally but I worry because I hear it can be part of aging. I would like to avoid it if possible and I do think my hair is a little more dry than it used to be. These collagen’s are supposed to be good for that too. So I’m excited to try it out and report back to you.

What are you noticing as you age? What are your concerns? Do you have any tips? Please share them with me and our readers.

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