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The Scoop

I think it was last fall when the Ringer tee hit my radar. It was big in the early 2000s and when I saw it recently it just brought back good vibes! So I picked up one in black and white with the graphic saying Jordache. Remember that brand, the jeans? Anyway I love it so a couple of weeks ago I picked up this one. I think it is called Ringer tee because it has contrasting bands around the neck and arms.

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My Look

I’m wearing flared Levis’s that I’ve had since 2011. I remember because I got them to go on a trip to Mazatlan, Mexico. Oh how I wish I could visit there again. What a fabulous place. That is where I got the Mexican Fire Opal necklace you can see below and well as the silver bracelet. Any way I am carrying an old but goody, messenger bag and a pair of old mules. I am also wearing these fun beaded bracelets that just sing to me!

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I’m trying out my light kit in these pictures and just didn’t quite get them set right. I think the light in the background from the windows was interfering. Hopefully with each experiment I do, I will learn something new.

Linking a couple of ringer tees that I have and my bracelet. I have these guitar straps that you can attach to any of your existing bags or other messenger bags. Linking two that are so cool. They both come in lots of colors and options.

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At the beginning of January I could not get these pants closed. I have been working at losing those extra pounds and now I can wear them easily again. It was a lot of saying no to yummy things but I did it. I have learned once again it is easier to maintain weight than lose it. ha ha.

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Do you remember the ring tee?

Thanks for stopping by!



My Producer


How I Use Lights For Taking Pictures