Trip To The Nursery
Field Jacket
The Scoop
Last week we got to go out! Wowzer! We went to the nursery to pick out trees and plants for our landscaping. We recently moved into a house that has no landscaping in the back or side yards and are so excited to spruce them up a bit. We are sticking to all-natural landscaping; everything is native to the area and requires low water. We will put in a small area of grass for the dogs along with a good fence to keep them safe. Later we may add in some other features but this first phase will tide us over for a while. Meanwhile it was so fun to get out and explore all our options. It was outdoors and not crowed so a covid safe event.
My Look
In this look I am wearing a field jacket. It is by Levi’s and a couple of years old but one of my favorites because it is the perfect weight and so well made. I wore it with leggings (Zella) and booties (both old). My bag is very old but one I use so often. I love the boho feel of this bag and it is one of the most functional bags I have for shopping. My necklace is also pretty old, one I got at a consignment store many years ago.
I am back to my pig tails lately. Looking forward to the day I can get it cut. Meanwhile this is an easy style and I sort of like it.
Create Your Own Look
All my things are old although I did find my jacket in limited sizes and my Zella leggings are still available. Linking fun options for this versatile look!
Crossbody Bag
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