There but for the grace Of God, go I.
The Scoop
My thoughts and prayers go out to those in Ukraine. They are watching their democratic way of life being crushed by an autocrat who will take their freedoms away from them.
They are normal people like us just trying to get along in life and now they are hiding in subways and basements afraid of being bombed, losing their freedom at best and losing their lives or their loved ones at worst. It makes me sick and very sad.
I can’t blog right now. I can’t forget for a moment what women and children are going through. I can’t forget that women my age and older, grandmothers are trying to flee the country with their families while the men are told they cannot go with them. Men ages 18 to 60 are not allowed to leave. They are being told to get guns and fight.
Men who have never held a gun are now being given weapons they don’t know how to use and told to defend their county. They are no match for the trained military of Russia.
I am not going to be blogging this week, maybe longer. Part of me thinks it is a chance to think about something else but I don’t want too really. I don’t want to forget about people who are helpless due to no fault of their own. It could be me, us, it’s just a matter of geography right now.
I want to keep these people in my mind and heart. I want to wish them luck because right now, that is all they have.
Thanks for stopping by.