Move It Or Lose It March 2022
second place
The Scoop
I’m squeezing in an extra post this week. I want to stay on top of my fitness posts this year.
I got second place at the 5K race! Gosh the sun was hot and I got off to a slow start because my running app failed but I stuck my head down and listened to my music and got done in good time. I ran 10:17 second miles.
March was exciting for me in that I spent the whole month training for a 5K. I’ve done many over the years but not since before the pandemic. I’ve run sporadically but not regularly until this last eight weeks. To be honest I wasn’t sure I could get back to my prior levels of distance and speed. I was just showing up for my practice runs and hoping to be able to do a race. I love to challenge myself.
What’s Next
I will continue to run three times a week alternating distance (for me that is three miles) with speed runs. I will do a fast one mile, then the next run will be a slow three mile and the last run of the week will be a steady two mile.
I can tell how much I needed cardio back in my life. I get true runner’s highs that lasts about half the day. I feel the best I have felt in years after my runs. I am also trimming up my waist. I haven’t been weighing because running increases my appetite. I eat as healthy as I can though. I can feel my pants around the waist are more comfortable.
Other Goals
I completely stopped other forms of exercise while running. Although I am very active, I was afraid anything like yoga or weight lifting would cause soreness and slow down my running progress.
I miss my yoga though. I get so sore after yoga for a while so I am going to try to work it back into my routine slowly. And I know I must get back to some form of strength training. So that is a goal also.
So there you go, just another month of doing the best I can!
training days
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