The Scoop

I turn 65 this summer. I will have been on earth for 65 years. That is hard to absorb.

I was watching a YouTuber this weekend who was in her late sixties and she said 65 knocked her down to her knees. Even though she tried to do all the things to stay fit and feeling healthy, things were going haywire. She was kind of in a funk. I sat watching her thinking, I hear you Hun.

I have noticed that my 60s are way different than any time in my life. I laugh when I think how I felt in my 50s. I thought I was going downhill and now I see I was still just a baby compared to my 60s. Many will tell you it’s a breeze, a matter of mind, or to be grateful. All true. But realistically for me it has jerked me around hard. I’m a little shell shocked.

But, there is a but. I still wake up every day ready to continue the journey, fight the good fight and hold on to gratitude. I tell myself there is no good in looking back. I must carve a new path for a good today and hopefully tomorrow.

Now What?

These pictures were taken when I turned 61. I was already feeling the difference but still doing well relatively. I was fit, happy and positive. And although I am still feeling pretty good there are things to work on.

What’s working?

I have found that if I exercise, I hurt less. So, I do Yoga followed with upper body weights one day then same thing only lower body weights the next day. It takes 45 minutes to an hour for both. On day three I walk/run or do something to get my heart into zone 2. Twenty to 30 minutes for that. Then I start all over again on day four. Day seven is for rest and fun activities.

I am dedicating more time for self-care. I have been trying new products and tools for skin, hair, and all the things. I truly believe things like that benefit most from what I eat. So, no sugar in the house. If I want to treat myself I, do it on the occasional outing.

I fall off the wagon regularly but I climb right back on very quickly. That is the key for me. Show up. Forget yesterday and work on today. In the long run I do more, good for my health than bad. It’s ok to take time off just not the rest of your life.

I am doing well with dry January but in truth I rarely drink anymore. Studies show conclusively that alcohol causes cancer. None of that, a little is ok crap. We’ve been mis-lead for a long time.

My biggest obstacle is socializing. It is supposed to be so important. But I am in introvert. Any prolonged interaction with people exhausts me (even though I love other people) and it gets worse as I get older. I physically must lay down and nap after more than a couple of hours socializing. Even if its family. I make myself get out several times a week just so I can interact with others and that pretty much fills my cup. ha ha! Short chats with neighbors, clerks at stores, etc. I also talk on the phone with my dad, brother, kids daily.

I have always played best alone however, even as a child I would fill my days playing alone and I was a very happy child. I would ride my horses, play with my dogs, goats, chickens, etc. It was magical for me. My mom always told me I was antisocial like my dad (he is 96 and still lives alone and is completely independent) like it was a negative thing. But I just ignored her, got on my horse went searching for Big Foot. I remember when I would get hungry, I would climb an apple tree or a pear tree and eat fruit while my bare foot rested on the warm coat of my horses back. They liked apples and pears too!


Let me know how you are navigating life. It helps so much to share and have others share tips and stories. My way of socializing! Ha Ha!

Thanks for listening.



Recreating Favorite Looks


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