I Am Woman, Hear Me ROAR

The Scoop

I have been stewing over this for some time. Once again, as a woman I am being treated like I don’t matter. And so are other women over the age of 65.

I turn 65 this summer and that is the time when you are informed by the federal government and insurance companies that you must go on Medicare. You can have to pay a penalty down the line if you don’t. But then something really cruel happens.

You are told by many doctor’s offices and all kinds of health clinics that they don’t take Medicare. I wanted to keep my insurance but my insurance company won’t cover me now that I am eligible for Medicare. So, I am spending time, embarrassingly asking each doctor’s office I call for basic preventative care if they take Medicare. I am so pissed!!!!

I felt like there was no outlet for my anger. Who listens to an old-women? Now I am watching YouTube and Instagram Influencers promote these online companies like they are the savior of all. But guess what? They don’t take Medicare either. Midi is one of the most promoted online companies with women saying the HRT and other products are changing their lives but guess what, they don’t accept Medicare? I guess life ends at 65.

I am sure these influencers don’t realize that when they turn 65, they will be turned away. We all think of ourselves one day at a time. That is human nature. It never occurred to me that having Medicare would prevent me from receiving health care.

Shame on the companies and clinics that are getting rich on women under 65. Then turning their backs on us after. They all love us when they are using us to study the efficacy of these products. In most studies I have read, women over 65 are used to test and see how things go. Again, I guess we are no longer valued, so just use us and then throw us away.

I have worked my whole life! I have given birth and raised two children who are amazing citizens contributing to society. I have taken abuse, insults from men and women throughout my career. I have been paid a fraction of what men of my work status were paid. I have been sexually assaulted in the work place. But no one has stopped me from being happy and productive. Maybe angry at times, but I worked around everything thrown at me because I am a woman. And at the age of 65 I am still a woman. And I will work around this. But what about those who can’t?

I know I am out in the middle of nowhere screaming at the top of my lungs. But what is new? News Flash: Life is not over at 65.

Thanks for stopping by.



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Feels Like Summer